Vivian Dsena and Drashti Dhami Indian Actors

Prica o indijskim glumcima Vivian Dsena i Drashti Dhami.

Dragi moji ovo je priča o dvoma glumcima iz Indije koji su glumili u Indijskoj seriji i oni su se u toj seriji zaljubili i zavoljeli. Ali pošto u Indiji nije dozvoljeno da sami sebi biraju muža i ženu njihovi roditelji su to uradili za njih izabrali im bračne drugove. On je po ocu katolik a po majci indijac i izabrali su mu jako bogatu ženu koja nije njegovom srcu draga. Sve se novcem moze kupiti samo ne ljubav i srce. Nju su udali za indica jer su joj oba roditelja indici a ona tog čovjeka nije mogla zavoljeti. Ja sam im gledala na kašike i vidjela da če se oboje rastati i na kraju biti skupa. Njegov brak je u toku razvoda što pred stoji i njoj. Dragi moji ostalo nam je da im požalimo mnogo sreče i ljubavi i divan brak zajednički koji im predstoji.

The story about Indian actors Vivian Dsena and Drashti Dhami.

My dear friends, this is a story about two actors from India, who have acted in Indian TV series. In that TV series, they felt in love, but because, in India, its not allowed that they alone can choose who they could marry, their parents have to choose marital friends for them. He is from his dads side a Christian and from his mothers side an Indian and they chose for him a very rich women, who is not dear to his heart.  With all the money in the world that you can buy you cannot buy love. They married her to an Indian, because of her both parents are Indian, but she does not love that man. I saw on my spoons and I saw that they will both breakup and at the end they will be together. His marriage is the end of the flow and it will be the same with her. Darling ones at the end I wish you a lot of luck and love and happy marriage that is coming.